>>> Today, I went to a Jerry Coleman book signing at the Barnes & Noble Bookseller at the Mira Mesa Market Center on 10775 Westview Parkway, San Diego, CA 92126. I had a great time, the Barnes & Noble associates were very pleasant and organized for this event. This was my second meeting with Mr Coleman, a beautifully kind individual, who took his time to speak a few words to each individual in line one by one.
>>> There were about 50 people ahead of me when I go in line and about 50 people behind me when I got to the table. I mentioned how it was a pleasure to meet him again and that I was going to be in New York in a couple of week for one of the Padres vs. Yankees games. I then grinned as I asked him who he roots for when this happens. He gleefully grinned as he answered "Well you know who I work for, who pays my check..." ending with a smile and happy laugh - A good answer, escaping my light humored question. A few people, within hearing distance, cheered and laughed in happyness in line.
>>> He is the best representative in the Padres organization that I have ever met and an overall pleasant, in person, celebrity. He signed his book "An American Journey" and 2 baseball cards for me.
In Person Signing - 06-07-2008:
- An American Journey, by Jerry Coleman - BkSA
- Jerry Coleman - 1952 Bowman #73 - BePA
- Jerry Coleman - 1957 Topps #192 - BePA
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